

Sometimes to be free is not the best way like I've grown up
We are nothing without her
I still need her as my mom

God damn! suka sebel gue kalo ngeliat atau ngedenger kata2 anjing bangsat kaya gitu. oke astaghfirulah alazim ya. gue gak ada maksud ngajarin lo pada buat sesat. tapi gue gimana ya...gue ngerasa nyokap gue itu lebay men. hahaha -_- she treated me like a baby who still wear a dirty diapers. gue ngerasa kayanya nyokap gue udah nganggep gue gak bener. jadi kemana2 gue mesti dikontrol/dipantau. okelah gue tau gue nyadar dia kaya gitu ya karena alesan (ehem hardly to say) dia sayang sama gue ya. tapi kalo misalnya dia sayang ya gak segitunya juga kali ya. kalo misalnya orangtua sayang anak, aturan si orangtuanya tuh tau apa yang dimau si anak. apa yang bisa bikin si anak happy. lah ini? happy apaan njir. nyiksa iya :( she never get what I've wanted. she never understand what exactly what I feel, she always threw all the shits when I need some helps. hhh is that you called mom?

Sorry mom. I'm doing these just because to tell you that growing up is not that bad as you think, and none has the right to judge them. Please understand. I'm begging on my knees :(

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